Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Brew Sculpture has Landed!

Our pilot brew sculpture from More Beer arrived!!!! It is beautiful. Johnny had a really good conversation with the guys at More Beer, one of whom got teary when Johnny was telling him about how he and his dad started brewing on their brew sculptures almost ten years ago.

This means the beginning of phase II - pilot brewing while we finalize paperwork and logistics, which means there are still an undetermined number of phases ahead, but we are well on our way :)

It cannot be said these photos are amazing, but they give you an idea.

The control panel has several very satisfying lights and knobs, and comes complete with personalized engraving. A personalized brew-sculture - this is true happiness.

This one is from the folks at

He'll be brewing on it for the first time this weekend - we'll keep you posted.

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